Source Variables
Note: This page is about HCL2 in Packer 1.5 and later. HCL2 support for Packer is still in Beta. Please see the Packer Issue Tracker for a list of supported features. For the old-style stable configuration language see template docs. You can now transform your JSON file into an HCL2 config file using the hcl2_upgrade command.
It is possible to access the name
and type
of your source
provisioners and post-processors:
source "null" "first-example" { communicator = "none"} build { name = "roles" source "null.first-example" { name = "consul" } source "null.first-example" { name = "nomad" } source "null.first-example" { name = "vault" } sources = ["null.first-example"] provisioner "shell-local" { inline = ["echo ${} and ${source.type}"] }} # This will echo something like:## roles.null.consul: consul and null# roles.null.nomad: nomad and null# roles.null.vault: vault and null# roles.null.first-example: first-example and null
Build Variables
Build variables will allow you to access connection information and basic instance state information for a builder.
All special build variables are stored in the build
source "null" "first-example" { communicator = "none"} build { name = "my-build-name" sources = ["null.first-example"] provisioner "shell-local" { environment_vars = ["TESTVAR=${build.PackerRunUUID}"] inline = ["echo is ${}.", "echo is ${}.", "echo build.PackerRunUUID is $TESTVAR"] }}
Here is the list of available build variables:
name Represents the name of the build block being run. This is different than the name of the source block being run.
ID: Represents the vm being provisioned. For example, in Amazon it is the instance id; in digitalocean, it is the droplet id; in Vmware, it is the vm name.
Host, Port, User and Password: The host, port, user, and password that Packer uses to access the machine. Useful for using the shell local provisioner to run Ansible or Inspec against the provisioned instance.
ConnType: Type of communicator being used. For example, for SSH communicator this will be "ssh".
PackerRunUUID: Current build's unique id. Can be used to specify build artifacts. An example of that, is when multiple builds runs at the same time producing the same artifact. It's possible to differentiate these artifacts by naming them with the builds' unique ids.
PackerHTTPIP, PackerHTTPPort, and PackerHTTPAddr: HTTP IP, port, and address of the file server Packer creates to serve items in the "http" dir to the vm. The HTTP address is displayed in the format
.SSHPublicKey and SSHPrivateKey: The public and private key that Packer uses to connect to the instance. These are unique to the SSH communicator and are unset when using other communicators. SSHPublicKey and SSHPrivateKey can have escape sequences and special characters so their output should be single quoted to avoid surprises. For example:
provisioner "shell" { inline = ["echo '${build.SSHPrivateKey}' > /tmp/packer-session.pem"] }
For backwards compatibility, WinRMPassword
is also available through this
engine, though it is no different than using the more general Password
All build variables are valid to use with any of the HCL2 functions. Example of using upper to upper case the build ID:
post-processor "shell-local" { inline = ["echo ${upper(build.ID)}"] }
For builder-specific builder variables, please also refer to the builder docs:
- Amazon EC2: chroot, EBS Volume, EBS, EBS Surrogate, Instance.
The HCL2 Special Build Variables is in beta; please report any issues or requests on the Packer issue tracker on GitHub.
Packer Version
This variable is set to the Packer version currently running.
source "null" "first-example" { communicator = "none"} build { sources = ["null.first-example"] provisioner "shell-local" { inline = ["echo packer_version is '${packer.version}'"] }}
If you are running a development version of Packer, the version variable will contain the released version number, dev flag, and current commit.
PACKER_LOG=0 packer build packer_version_demo.pkr.hclnull.first-example: output will be in this color. ==> null.first-example: Running local shell script: /var/folders/8t/0yb5q0_x6mb2jldqq_vjn3lr0000gn/T/packer-shell083160352 null.first-example: packer_version is 1.6.5-dev (a69392129+CHANGES)
If you are running a released version of Packer, the version variable will contain the released version number only:
PACKER_LOG=0 packer build packer_version_demo.pkr.hclnull.first-example: output will be in this color. ==> null.first-example: Running local shell script: /var/folders/8t/0yb5q0_x6mb2jldqq_vjn3lr0000gn/T/packer-shell718995312 null.first-example: packer_version is 1.6.5
Make sure to wrap your variable in single quotes in order to escape the string that is returned; if you are running a dev version of packer the parenthesis may through off your shell escaping otherwise.