Helm Chart
Important Note: This chart is not compatible with Helm 3. Please use Helm 2 with this chart.
The Vault Helm chart is the recommended way to install and configure Vault on Kubernetes. In addition to running Vault itself, the Helm chart is the primary method for installing and configuring Vault to integrate with other services such as Consul for High Availability deployments.
This page assumes general knowledge of Helm and how to use it. Using Helm to install Vault will require that Helm is properly installed and configured with your Kubernetes cluster.
Important: The Helm chart is new and
may still change significantly over time. Please always run Helm with
before any install or upgrade to verify changes.
Security Warning: By default, the chart will install an insecure configuration of Vault. This provides a less complicated out-of-box experience for new users, but is not appropriate for a production setup. It is highly recommended to use a properly secured Kubernetes cluster. See the architecture reference for a Vault Helm production deployment checklist.
Using the Helm Chart
To use the Helm chart, you must download or clone the vault-helm GitHub repository and run Helm against the directory. We plan to transition to using a real Helm repository soon. When running Helm, we highly recommend you always checkout a specific tagged release of the chart to avoid any instabilities from master.
Prior to this, you must have Helm installed and configured both in your Kubernetes cluster and locally on your machine. The steps to do this are out of the scope of this document. Please refer to the Helm documentation for more information.
Example chart usage:
# Clone the chart repo$ git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/vault-helm.git$ cd vault-helm # Checkout a tagged version$ git checkout v0.3.3 # Run Helm$ helm install --dry-run ./