Installing the Agent Injector
The following are the different methods of installing the Agent Injector in Kubernetes.
The Vault Agent Injector requires Vault 1.3.1.
To install the Vault Agent injector, enable the injection feature using
Helm values and
upgrade the installation using helm upgrade
for existing installs or
helm install
for a fresh install.
To install a new instance of Vault and the Vault Agent Injector, run the following:
helm install --name=vault \ --set="injector.enabled=true" \
Other values in the Helm chart can be used to limit the namespaces the injector runs in, TLS options and more.
TLS Options
Admission webhook controllers require TLS to run within Kubernetes. At this time the Vault Agent Injector supports two TLS options:
- Auto TLS generation (default)
- Manual TLS
Auto TLS
By default, the Vault Agent Injector will bootstrap TLS by generating a certificate authority and creating a certificate/key to be used by the controller. If using Vault Helm, the chart will automatically create the neccessary DNS entries for the controller's service used to verify the certificate.
Manual TLS
If desired, users can supply their own TLS certificates, key and certificate authority. The following is required to configure TLS manually:
- Server certificate/key
- Base64 PEM encoded Certificate Authority bundle
For more information on configuring manual TLS, see the Vault Helm cert values.
Namespace Selector
By default, the Vault Agent Injector will process all namespaces in Kubernetes except
the system namespaces kube-system
and kube-public
. To limit what namespaces
the injector can work in a namespace selector can be defined to match labels attached
to namespaces.
For more information on configuring namespace selection, see the Vault Helm namespaceSelector value.